INDIA is blessed with a rich heritage of tourism and has an abundance of activities to attract tourists, which directly and indirectly create employment and business opportunities for hotels, tour operators, airlines, artisans, entertainers, tour guides and for the transporters.

Rajasthan is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and remarkable states of India. The history of Rajasthan is rich and dates back to the Rajputs, Mughals, Marathas, and the British. The first human settlement found in this region goes back to the Indus Valley Civilization. The bravery of Rajput kings plays a vital role in history of Rajasthan. As Rajput warriors used to fight all the odds and lived with honor and whenever the situation demanded the sacrificed lives for the pride of the empire.

The Vatel Hotel & Tourism Business School, Sushant University, as part of its diversified curriculum on tourism, encourages its students to conduct deep-rooted researches on the touristic importance of the various regions where tourism and related activities are prominent and create avenues of earning foreign exchange for the country.

The state of Rajasthan was continuously attacked by foreign rulers. In the year 1191, Rajasthan was under the rule of Prithviraj Chauhan. Despite the fact that Muhammad Gauri was vanquished, yet in 1192 he assaulted for the subsequent time, whereupon Chauhan was defeated. In the thirteenth century, Mewar was the focal point of fascination for each lord. Gradually and relentlessly, Akbar began a partnership with numerous Rajput rulers. In 1562 Akbar wedded one of the Rajput princesses, Jodha Bai, the girl of the Maharaja of Amer.

‘Attithi Devo Bhavo’ means to treat your guests like as you would treat God. This principle is a part of the Rajasthani Culture. They treat their guests well and make them want to visit again. Most of the people in Rajasthan are involved in tourism-related jobs and hence take this principle very seriously as they earn their revenue due to the tourists and have pledged to serve them. A popular folk song Padharo Mhare Desh’ literary means ‘Welcome to my country’. Rajasthan Hospitality is famous all over the world.

Many traditional instruments are used by them that include sarangi, kamayach, dhols, shenhai, and been. Folk songs were usually for certain purposes like weddings or birth or were passed to tell a story of bravery or a romantic tale. They were usually in the form of ballads. The dance is varied as well. Dance differed among different tribes. It was mainly for the entertainment of the people and the king. Some of the dances include chang, ghoomer, bhopa, tejali, and kathipuli. Ghoomer dance, which originated in Udaipur, has gained international recognition and appreciation.

Rajasthani food is known for its various spices and also its sweetness. Rajasthan is most famous for dalbati – A dish comprising of dal and wheat flour kneaded with yoghurt and dressed in ghee. It is also famous for kachori – the kachori in Rajasthan are of two types – sweet and spicy. The spicy kachori is called the pyaaz or onion kachori, and the sweet kachori called the mawa kachori. Both these kachoris are easily available in any food stalls in Rajasthan. Ghewar and gheriya are some delectable sweet dishes originating from Mewar, available in most restaurants at Rajasthan. Most of the Rajasthani dishes are made in ghee. More than 70% of people in Rajasthan are Lacto vegetarian making it one of the most vegetarian states in India. However, non-vegetarian dished like Lal Maas and Mohan Maas are delicacies in Rajasthani cuisine.


The women wear sarees with the ‘odhni’ covering their head as a sign of respect. The men wear dhotis and kurtas with a headgear called pagri or safah.

The designs on their clothing are either embroidered or dotted. The material of the clothing is usually cotton and even silk for women.

Rajasthan depends majorly on income earned via tourism. Thus, most of the people have learned English or Hindi or perhaps both to be able to communicate the travellers. However, some dialects originating from Rajasthan include Marwari, Malvi, Mevati, Jaipuri/Dhundari of which the most famous is Marwari.

Rajasthan is a vast state but living in its rural areas will give you a thorough insight of the Rajasthani folk and their culture. The state has been blessed with such historical and beautiful forts and other monuments. One must visit Rajasthan to explore the land of Maharajas.

The above article was prepared by a student of Vatel Hotel & Tourism Business school who lives in Rajasthan and considers his State to be one of the most diversified and a colourful state in India.