The Role of Training and Development for Placements

With the evolving landscape of higher education and constantly changing requirements of industry, the surmounting challenge remains to prepare future ready professionals who are equipped with the broad spectrum of knowledge, aptitude, employability skills and hawk like vision to stride confidently on their career path. Training and development plays a pivotal role in shaping up the career goals of prospective candidates. The key differentiator is not to find just a job but a suitable career and excel in the professional world. It is also catalyst to harness the infinite possibilities and helps the prospective candidates in identifying, energizing, channelizing inner self to enable them to usher in the professional world with right attitude, aptitude and positive mindset. In a nutshell, it is the gateway to explore novel horizons, new dimensions to tap on to the world of opportunities and unleash the creativity within.

In order to bridge the gaps between the industry and academia and ensure good placements, The Centre for Soft Skills, Sushant University imparts trainings to enhance employability skills of the students to make them at par with the expectations of the corporate world.  Corporate resource centre and the Centre for Soft Skills go hand in hand to ensure the smooth transition of students from campus to corporate.  In order to achieve the objective of preparing the students as  successful professionals, training sessions are organized to hone their personality,  employability quotient by engaging them through Group discussions, Mock Interviews, Self assessment questionnaire, Aptitude building sessions, Simulations and Situation based learnings.  The USP of these sessions remain a unique pedagogy of experiential learning with a major emphasis on student led discussions, games, activities, situational learning, role plays and case studies. A 360 degree customized feedback and personalized assistance is given to the respective students for their growth, well rounded personality and holistic development.

The Centre for Soft Skills has been instrumental in embedding the effective communication skills as an integral part of curriculum to build a solid foundation of the art of effective communication. In a recent study conducted by Harvard Business review it was noted that managers shy away from communicating to their employees which results in diminished trust and top performing  employees feeling discouraged for not being recognized which overall affects their impact, productivity and efficiency. It clearly states the power of communication skills.

Aptitude test is also an important assessment to shortlist the candidates for personal interviews and group discussions. These tests help in identifying the problem creatively and analyzing the data for the same.  Keeping in view the importance of aptitude tests, Centre for Soft Skills regularly conducts aptitude building tests to address the skill gaps.

In the absence of career guidance and mentoring students often find themselves on cross roads in choosing their career path. To cater to this need, stalwarts from industry are invited regularly through guest sessions, panel discussions, seminars and webinars for knowledge sharing sessions.

The importance of professional grooming is paramount and is known by all. Centre for Soft Skills organizes training sessions to fulfill the essential requirement of students embarking on professional world.

Group discussions and personal interviews are an integral part of the journey of prospective candidates. To acquaint the students with the nitty gritties of the GDs and Personal interviews, the Centre for Soft Skills regularly conducts GD sessions and Mock interviews for students across the university which in turn results in a transformation in the personality of students gearing them for the actual interviews.

Mentoring the students to become the best version of themselves, Sushant University, One of the top private universities in North India remains ahead for life.

Dr. Indu Prabha Pathak

Assistant Professor

Centre for Soft Skills