The fancier the name of the subject, the more interest it attracts from the students, especially if the subject concerns itself with having to do something exciting or calls for a practical class. Did we ever think that the wayside wagons turned into fast-food joints would actually turn out to be a resounding success one day?

Students of the Vatel Hotel & Tourism Business School, Sushant University, Gurgaon in their trans-disciplinary learning, mingles with students of the other streams – engineering, architecture, design, law, health sciences, commerce to learn the art of putting up food trucks 

An exciting ride on the Food Truck 

Chef Saurav launched a 10-hour TDL programme on Food Truck in which he decided to set up delicacies of Indian cuisine with freshly made ice creams. The exercise became more interesting as students worked in different teams which were given to conduct research on the internal layout that a food truck should have with the logistics of the placement of equipment, creating a workflow design, not forgetting about the waste management and recycling. These teams also had to elaborate upon the staffing, food costs, sourcing of licenses, permits etc. “Classes on Food Truck were very interesting – they opened up my mind. I might just do it myself one day” says a highly enthused student of architecture…