Environmental sustainability

Apart from us humans, no other living species on the earth has brought about any destruction, devastation or damage, neither has contributed towards annihilating or disturbing the peace or the nature’s cycle.

The humans being responsible for it; it is they only which need to re-build the distressed state that our planet is currently being subjected to .

The Vatel Hotel & Tourism Business School, Sushant University, Gurgaon, one of the finest hotel management institutes in India in exclusive academic collaboration with the Vatel, France believes, believes, like most of the hotels of modern times do, in making its students sensitive towards the environmental sustainability.

One of the major global concerns affecting the very existence of life on earth being that of global warming, the need to re-use and re-cycle come up as two immediate steps humans can take towards curbing the increasing growth of pollution of the atmosphere, water and that of the flora and the fauna.   This exercise will influence to a great extent a marked reduction in industrial production. Re-use and Recycle are the concepts to which the students, at this very age must get accustomed to, so that it becomes not only a conscious practice, but a deeply inherent habit.

An exercise towards this noble cause can in no way be termed as Rocket Science since the practices involved therein involve but a slight tweaking or moderating mildly our basic daily routines. A simple effort, care and concern by us humans can actually turn back this extermination and leave our Earth as safe and healthy planet for our future generations.

To the 42 students who enrolled in this TDL Course, a detailed introduction of the concept was given, highlighting the importance of waste management, management of the greenhouse gases and the saving of electricity and water. It was out of sheer enthusiasm that they produced posters of recycled products – coasters from the used cloth, flower vases, mini water dispensers using old cartons during the End-Term Exam.

“This was a very informative out-of-the-box learning” said one of the students – “It encourages me to talk about this to my family, my friends and our maid because all of us must contribute towards protecting our Mother Earth”…

Taking a small example, a tremendous amount of detailing, hard work, research and deliberations go into deciding what types of flowers are to be displayed, at what time, for how long, under how much of light and the part of the hotel in which they would look the most attractive, striking and gorgeous.

A TDL course was specially designed towards making the students of non-HM courses understand the basics of different types of decorations within the guest rooms and the public areas of the hotels or at different banqueting functions within and outside the premises. This course touched upon the importance of the theme-based décor in the world of hospitality.

To retain the attention of students who were already very inquisitive, the course was made even more interesting as it was delivered using power-point presentations in which detailed demonstrations of Ikebana, dry flower arrangements, with the different elements, accessories and indeed, the Principles of Design were shown.

Undeterred by the COVID 19 Pandemic, the classes were conducted with full enthusiasm and rigor on digital platforms, the videos and recordings of which were shared on social media to ensure that the knowledge, art and the fine skills exhibited during these special classes could easily reach the students to whom they were destined even during these hard and challenging times…