Immunity Based Dishes


One of the principal pedagogic activities at the Vatel Hotel & Tourism Business School at the Sushant University is to have its students do independent researches usually on the current topics.  The recent one in which the students took a lot of delight in is, owing to the recent pandemic, directed towards a study on immunity based dishes.

Human beings and all living species in the universe are endowed with the power of immunity, which in itself is a natural defense system of protecting the body against infectious, environmental or viral diseases.

The system of immunity is indeed very dynamic and can be classified as INNATE, consisting of skin and self-lubricating membranes that keep away the harmful substances from entering into the body and stand to be the first, front-line protection in the defense of the human body. Secondly, ADAPTIVE immunology transpires as a result to being vaccinated against any microorganism and might be helpful in future protection – it might even last for the entire duration of a person’s life, whereas the PASSIVE immunity might provide immediate protection but might not last for a longer duration.


The awareness and the question of being immune and not being immune has come up more during the Covid era and people have become more conscious and mindful of self-protection and wellbeing. It has impacted communities around the world and many people have speculated about the various ways in which they can stay healthy and that in their lives they may not come across any life-threatening diseases.

The awareness of immunity has led us human beings to explore the possibilities of nutrition and lifestyle measures to reinforce strength and susceptibility to infectious diseases. It is still to be proven whether these measures actually do or can fight the infectious diseases.

Be that as it may, the hotels, being pro-active and in the habit of catching the nerve of the customers are now gradually understanding that it is difficult, nay impossible to grow without giving to the customer what he or she is in need of.

Hotels are now propagating the low-fat, plant based and vegetarian menus because it is believed that these things are helpful in boosting the immune system of the body. The vegetarians are believed to have more effective white blood cells due to a high intake of vitamins and a low intake of fat, which is protective. The hotels chefs also know that the content of oilin food is sure to impair the white blood cell function, which does not allow the immune system to function efficiently and that is why the menus prepared by them have absence of all such dishes.

Citrus fruits, red bell peppers, broccoli, garlic, ginger, spinach, yogurt, almonds, turmeric, green tea, papaya and kiwi all helpful in boosting the immunity systems. These ingredients are so different from the menus which used to be served in hotels about two decades ago. With the awareness, the lifestyle of people has changed a lot and more and more people are turning vegetarians.

The growth of vegetarianism can be seen the world over, especially in India, where as many as 29 – 40 percent are vegetarians and the numbers are growing. More and more people are moving away from the fatty, high-carb non-vegetarian food, so much so that very soon the meet-free supermarkets might also be introduced.

Over the last several decades the eating habits of human beings have changed drastically and the eating habits of our predecessors have never ever re-surfaced. This change may be attributed to the availability of newer types of ingredients or innovations having been carried out by various sects of people. The benefits of their old type of cooking or the choice of food has never ever gone away. People are still aware of the fact that too much of fatty food can be detrimental to health.

A study says that the two main factors necessitating the wellbeing of people is due to lack of exercise, the strenuous lifestyle and the work-life balance. Another study also shows that while on one hand the intake of cheese, butter, milk and fried stuff has decreased, the people have realized the benefits of green, leafy vegetables and have correspondingly understood that these foods provide immunity, protection and resistance. “This new, low-fat, low-sugar, low-carb food is making me feel good and I can see that my lifestyle has completely undergone a change” says a young couple, who said that they say this might even lead to longevity in their life span.

“This trend of immunity-boosting food is the new fashion, people have liked it and this style is here to stay” says happily the Sous-Chef of a star-rated hotel, to which he adds “More importantly, it if of low cost and gives us far more revenues”