Sushant University For MBA!

In the current season of MBA admissions, the question may be asked as to ‘Why MBA?’ The answer lies in the context of the Indian economy. India’s GDP is growing at around 9% in its march towards a $5 trillion economy. Exports are buoyant having touched $300 billion in the first 9 months of 2021-22. India’s start-up ecosystem anchored by young entrepreneurs and led by our unicorns is booming. Hence, the a growing need for MBAs as business leaders and enterprising youngsters. Further, an MBA degree offers tremendous employment opportunities through lucrative placements, the flexibility of deployment and mobility in the job market.
So, if MBA is presently the name of the game, the next question arises ‘Why Sushant?’ The answer to that is to be found in the numerous strengths and USPs of MBA programmes at Sushant University, one of the best universities in Delhi-NCR.
Foremost are the impressive MBA specializations, the top management programme offered at Sushant University. These include MBA with dual specialization from amongst a bouquet of following seven options: Marketing, Finance, Human Resource Management, International Business, Logistics & Supply Chain, Business Analytics and Digital Marketing. In addition, there are stand-alone specialized MBA Programmes in New Age areas or cutting-edge skills like Data Analytics & Intelligence, Fintech and Digital Marketing.
Another unique feature of the MBA at Sushant University is the rich menu of collaborations. The flagship collaboration for MBA with a dual specialization is with the University of Warwick, a reputed institution for business studies in the UK. There is also collaboration for courses with Harvard Business School Online (HBSO). New Age programs like MBA Data Analytics & Intelligence and Digital Marketing are in association with UpGrad. Other foreign collaborations include Bosch for Workshops and McGraw Hill Education of New York for foreign languages.
Another USP of the best MBA programme in Delhi-NCR, offered by Sushant University, is the elaborate and strong industry connection. The syllabus design is industry bench-marked with emphasis on contemporary interactive experiential learning. The extensive industry exposure includes industry visits, summer internships, webinars and guest lectures, networking opportunities and soft skills training (through a dedicated Centre of Soft Skills).
This brings me to the faculty and intellectual capital of Sushant University. The faculty boasts a rich corporate-industry background and varied experience in consultancy and research. The teaching pedagogy adopted focuses on case studies for a hands-on experience and to make our students future-ready. Sushant University also has a strong research vertical through the Centre for Research & Development for those inclined to pursue PhD programmes.
MBAs from Sushant University have been regularly getting job placements in top-notch companies through the University’s Corporate Resource Centre (CRC) which facilitates recruitment with reputed employers. Our Alumni network allows former students to keep in touch and learn from one another.
An added feature is the School of Business’ focus on Trans-Disciplinary Learning (TDL) and multi-disciplinary approach. There are structured sessions. In addition, there are sessions to sensitize students on other areas, like foreign policy and diplomacy. Attention is also paid to learning foreign languages through the newly established Centre of Foreign Languages, which adds value in the globalised world of today. These are also in line with the New Education Policy (NEP) 2020 which lays stress on both multi-disciplinary learning and internationalisation.
Last but not the least, Sushant University’s location and connectivity are a major plus and an added bonus. The spacious and beautiful campus in the heart of Gurugram helps avoid long commutation time and logistics, unlike back-of-beyond locations.
For all the above reasons and more, we invite prospective students to pursue their career in MBA by joining the exciting journey at Sushant University.
Jai Hind !!