Have you ever smelt the kitchen where breads are being baked and the sweet aroma of fresh breads wafts through the area??

The World Bread Day is one such event which is very enthusiastically participated by the students and by the faculty members every year with full enthusiasm, fervor and passion. To give a brief overview about this event, the World Bread Day is an event of international observance and is celebrated on October 16 every year. It was initiated by the International Union of Bakers and Confectioners (UIBC). This observance is dedicated to breads which have remained an important part of meal around the world ever since the dawn of agriculture.

Vatel India Campus at the Sushant University Gurgaon believes in imparting experiential learning to the students and strives to impart skill-oriented hospitality education and to the hospitality leaders of tomorrow. The celebration of World Bread Day & International Chef Day are bold initiatives towards this direction

No matter how you slice it, bread is an important part of nearly every culture, race, religion and for the peoples around the world and this day was founded specially to celebrate the different types of breads and the art of baking around the globe.

Bread is known to be one of the oldest prepared staple foods. It is quite possible to assume that people used starch extract from the roots of plants to cook a primitive form of flatbread as early as 30,000 years ago. Grains became the mainstay of making bread with the dawn of the Neolithic age. The ancient Egyptians are believed to be the first ones to use yeast as an agent to raise the dough.

Vatel India Students under the able guidance of their Chefs have explored various methods of making breads and have been able to zero-in on the production of 5 different types of breads belonging to 7 countries around the globe. There is a tremendous amount of research and exploration and in order to bring about an element of authenticity, the true ingredients have to be procured, which has its own limitations.

“We always make it a point to participate in as many events as possible since it gives us an opportunity to try our hands at totally new things and shows us new styles of preparation of foods coming from the different parts of the world.” say a set of girl students whose passion is baking and in which they wish to make their career.

Chef Saurav Chhabra, the event coordinator, who started his work on conceptualizing the event and helping the students to do their research on the countries of origin of these breads about almost 100 days ago, says – “I enjoy doing such events as I have a personal interest in baking. Though I have a lot of experience in this trade, I never cease to learn new things while teaching them – this is what the passionate teachers must always do” says he with a smile on his gleaming face.

This is an international event of repute – on this day the whole world in celebrating hundreds of types of breads prepared in the different regions and continents of the world. Our students conducted deep research on these breads, procured the ingredients from the different parts of the world, did a very meticulous job of producing these delicacies in bulk. The amount of learning that our students derived from this Bread Day is inestimable” said Dr. Garima Parkash, Dean, Vatel Hotel and Tourism Business School.