Rolling into 2022 with Smart Career Lessons

A lot has changed in terms of how you work in offices since March 2020, as the office literally has shifted to your home. If you are also one of those who are about to start your career in 2022 then these are the lessons you need to carry forward backed by seasoned entrepreneurs, leaders in the industry and CEOs.



Career lessons that can help you in 2022:

1.  Make a List of Short-term and Long-term goals

If you want to set the long-term professional advancement goals that can help you stay focused and also you can pair them with actionable items which will help you to reach there. A goal attainment technique that is called SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) can be a game-changer in doing so. This is the technique that can sure shot assist you to achieve your objectives that are measurable, achievable and practical enough in keeping you on track and motivated.

For doing that you don’t have to plan the things 10 years down the line. Start by taking baby steps, don’t jump over it and make unrealistic goals. You can start by making a list of goals yearly, half-yearly or even quarterly goals and then achieve them bit by bit. To stay updated on your goal sheet, schedule monthly or weekly check-ins of your progress.

2.  Work on Having a USP and Own it

We all are blessed/cursed with talents that are unique in their own way. So, another career lesson for 2022 is that you better cultivate a unique talent when it comes to your professional work. Indra Nooyi, the former CEO of PepsiCo, swear by the same mantra too, she says “When you are blessed with a competence that no-one else has, you become more valuable in that field. I have always been known for making simple the complex in my entire career.”

Having a USP distinguishes you from the rest of the lot. Everything around us is becoming obsolete so fast so be sure of your USP that it is 100% unique and also relevant for your job. For this, you may need to upskill or master a new skill set to remain in the very business or ahead of the lot. Mr Ratan Tata, the legendary businessman and a boomer influencer, has to opine something nice about this sudden change at the workspace, is that “This new scenario will compel entrepreneurs to adapt and to create. I hope that there emerges an outcome by which we are able to find another way to manage an organization, offer products or services and run operations a better way.”

3.  Always ask for help when you need it

Finding the balance in work-life is always more mythical than some sort of a magic school. So, if you are about to start your professional journey now then chances are you will end up feeling like the human version of a question mark several times a day. On the other hand, if you are a keen learner and smarter than you would always ask for help.

Don’t think twice before asking for help even if you are new at your job. It will not make you look incompetent. Research shows that your perceived competence is not affected by seeking assistance for a simple task at the workplace. The same research found out that, asking for help with a challenging activity always resulted in a better perception of competence.

But having said that, don’t every time go to your boss when you have any concerns. Discussion with your coworker about your concerns can help to come out with strategies to resolve them. Make your name synonym with being a problem-solver consistently as well as a problem-spotter.

4.  Expand your network 

The opportunities to mingle with other professional’s face to face in your career have decreased magnificently because of attending office online or from home. The work from the home environment have inhibited you into your shell and you may be enjoying quarantining more. And this brings another important career lesson which is having an established network is a vital part of developing your influence. So, make an extra effort to liaison with coworkers and other industry professionals in 2022.

The key to building vital relationships is meeting as many new people in your area of work as possible. So go out there make new acquaintances and try to develop a network that will benefit you not only today but for the rest of your career. You can achieve this by joining at least one professional group, through social media sites like LinkedIn or WhatsApp so that you can meet individuals outside of your organization. Meet with industry experts more often to learn more in your area and understand how they have been able to achieve their goals.

5.  Failing sometimes doesn’t mean you’re an imposter

We have always used the word failure in a negative reference. When you are talking about failure then it’s all hearts and flowers to say failing will make you better at your work. But the reality is that failure can often drag you down and crush all of your hopes. To understand failure better, read about renowned people who have failed multiple times before becoming big-shot names, from Bill Gates to Steve Jobs, and imbibe the lessons they have learned from their failures. It will help you particularly when you are feeling dejected. The most liberating process is getting over this fear of making mistakes. It will allow you to think of failures as learning opportunities and you will be grateful that these happened.

6.  Take it one day at a time

To be honest, learning to take it one day at a time is the bitterest pill to swallow out of all the career lessons. Each day hustle is important if you want to make it big but once in a while having a bad day or taking it easy won’t ruin your career. You need to work on regulating your energy better and make some time for yourself. Take a break if you need it. Find a quiet place to reflect. Bear in mind that to make steady progress you’ll need to keep your health and well-being in consideration.

Although it may be scary to think about our future hanging in the air like an upside-down bat, at the same time it can also be liberating to know that you’re making your way as you go. We might not know what 2022 will have in store with us, but what we can do is work on ourselves with these career lessons and hope that this year is much kinder to us than the last two years have been.


Prof. Suman Dahiya

Faculty, School of Business

Sushant University