Biodynamic Lights and its task performance

Light is essential for humans and plays key role in our lives. When light bulb got invented by Thomas Alva Edison in the year 1879, biodynamic lighting is becoming the next big step in lighting evolution. As we spent much time in enclosed spaces under artificial lighting that normally lacks the dynamism and biological effect of daylight. Usually, we exposure to lighting that is monotonous both in terms of lighting level and color temperature, which is not consistent with daylight. The lighting level keep constant according to standard’s specific minimum value and the light color is determined at the beginning without changing during operation. Biodynamic lighting is characterized by dynamics with regard to light direction, color temperature and level in order to positively affect vitality and relaxation, mood, visual acuity and productivity

Circadian Rhythm: 

A circadian Rhythm is a natural internal process which regulates the sleep-wake cycle and it repeats in every 24 hours. Circadian Rhythm is linked with body’s internal clock and sleep wake cycle. This rhythm is important to determine our sleeping and feeding pattern. Body temperature cycle, Hormone production, cell regeneration and other important biological process is determined by this cycle.

Interaction of Circadian Rhythm and Lifestyle: 

Lifestyle is a set of goals, plans, values, attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs apparent in the personal and family life of the individual and in his social and cultural interactions. The circadian rhythm put a crucial role in people’s healthy lives which is affected by factors consisting of cosmic events related to the universe and earth, environmental factors (light, night and day duration, seasons) and lifestyles.

In hypothalamus, there is a tiny region is present which called Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN ), some studies have indicated that SCN controls Circadian rhythm from receiving the signals .Some research showed that little delay starting of morning school is better that early timing to get good sleep and also to maintain a healthy life . In our modern lifestyle, most of the people are involved in Night shifts or work. The common disorders of circadian rhythm are sleep disturbance and depression which changing work time.

The Hormonal Mechanism: A hormone, melatonin which secrets from pineal gland is related with circadian rhythm. The secretion can be depended on light, age, environmental and physiological factor

Circadian Rhythm disruption: Disruption of biological timing. This can occur from the level of the molecular clock (that temporally regulates cellular activities) to misalignment between behavioral and environmental cycles. If Circadian Rhythm disruption occurs it will effect on sleeping cycle, weight gain, slow thinker, impulsivity, some other physiological and behavioral changes.

The relationship between lifestyle and some disease: In urban areas we lead some different lifestyle which is directly link to health. Fast food, junk food causing nutrition problem like obesity. Hence it can be turn to some cardiovascular disease also. Circadian cycle and sleeping disruption are co- related in our human frame. Metabolic consequences are present when circadian rhythm disruption and sleep disruption occurs. When Circadian rhythm disruption and sleep disruption occurred; it extends up to phycological / behavioral disorder. `

Some other factors which are involved in sleep disorder, they are limited day time light exposure, increased light exposure at night, shift works etc.

Biodynamic Light: 

Biodynamic light is a technical method to achieve the biological effects of daylight in an artificial lighting environment. Some studies proved that if light is consisting of a high correlated color Temperature (CCT) has a positive impact on workers and work performance.

Some Research is completed on Biodynamic light and its effect on work environment. The advantages of students, Teachers, Workers, company, patients, stuff were so good like they improved comfort and well -being, less anxiety, reduced work related stress, reduced tiredness of the eye, improved motivation , improved biological rhythm , better sleep wake Cycle.

Conclusion: Light as a comfortable atmosphere factor plays an important role in professional medical care centers. It is an important synchronizer for our internal clock along with its aesthetic effect and therefore provides a positive emotional response and shorter recovery times. Because of illness or mobility issues, residents in hospitals and elderly care centers rarely or never go outdoor and their bed is not always near a window. When the amount of daylight exposure is insufficient for adequate control of the circadian rhythm in many elderly people, biological processes in the human body especially sleep/ wake rhythm are affected in a negative way.