How Industry 5.0 is influencing Engineering Education?

Every  revolution  leads  to  a  better  evolved  system  and  hence  its  output.  Industrial Revolution  is  no  exception.  The  first  Industrial  Revolution  started  in  the  19th century with technology as a point of focus. It was directly linked to the progress of humankind. The benefit and success of the first revolution led to the second in the early 20th century. This witnessed a rapid growth in technological aspects taking each revolution one notch above  the  other.  The  next  will  move  around  Software  development  skills  and  edge computing.

Rapid changes in industry development leads to open arms for skilled engineering graduates in the latest technology fields, be it digital manufacturing, smart cities development, renewable energy, IoT, AI, ML or cyber security.


Purpose of education is not only imparting knowledge but also preparing the students to become future leaders. Sushant University, one of the best private colleges for Engineering, which offers various courses in the field, scilicet Computer Science, CyberSecurity, CSE Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Product Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, adopts various pedagogical tools to teach and train students not only through lectures, but also also through experiential learning sessions which develops self confidence amongst the students and helps them grow into bold individuals. It is prudent to select different core courses and collaborate them with industry leads to provide industry academia partnership programs for better learning experience. The Startup initiatives is a classic and practical testimony of this.

Industrial Revolution has also emphasized hands-on training of machines, tools and softwares, which further reinforces confidence due to industry exposure in terms of  internship, minor-major projects and alumni academia mentoring association.

Learning is a continuous journey. If growth is to be achieved in the corporate world, industry exposure becomes mandatory and it is all the more better if this exposure is gained during the degree because it helps the student perfect the skill and also boosts his confidence. In this regard, Sushant university, one of the best colleges in India, is not only providing undergraduate programs, but also masters and research based PhD programs that provides a lot of opportunities for the students to flourish.

In the last decade, we have witnessed many advanced versions of technology- 5G leading towards 6G, industry 5.0 towards industry 6.0 which catapulted their growth in the right direction. Sushant University provides these various courses in Engineering as aligned with the long term vision of leaders. One can find that all the Engineering courses offered by School of Engineering & Technology at Sushant University are in collaboration with top notch industry pioneers. For example, Digital Manufacturing for Mechanical branch specialization is in collaboration with Siemens company to gain hands-on experience with the latest set of related software & its implementation. Each & every branch has an industry mentor to harness the skill as per latest Industrial revolution.

Sushant University also empowers youth and inculcates in them the confidence to either apply for jobs or have their own start-ups.

As stated by UN agencies, without technological reorientation, the goal of sustainable development cannot be attained. Engineering has a key role in providing a holistic approach towards selection of technology not only as the basis of advancement but also looking at it through the lens of economic, social, environmental and cultural parameters.