International Women’s Day

I know this is a bit early, but to be honest every single is a day where women embrace themselves and empower others. Although society might not agree, we know that we women all over the world have to stick together, if we want to make a difference. No matter what gender, race or religion you believe in, there is a reason why you are on this world. You have a purpose on this world, and you have to live it. You are special, and you have to burn the brightest no matter how hard things get because you are strong and beautiful.

This day is all about self-confidence and happiness to care and love everyone, no matter who they are and what they believe in. It’s a day to embrace how far women have come, and we won’t stop here. We are an incredible force that will not stop until we achieve the ultimate goal. After that, we’ll still push ourselves to reach even further. No matter what obstacles we face and how much we’ll go through, we’ll go through this together and express our rights, express who we are, and express our visions.

Feminism, woman power and woman love does not mean that we are against men. We are not less than men, and we are not more. It means that we think we should live in a world full of equality, where men and women receive the same, and we work so hard but we do it together. All types of men deserve what every woman deserves, and same for the inverse. It’s just our perspective, how we choose to see it, that really counts. We all deserve rights to be happy and comfortable for who we are, and to deserve an equal amount of respect. It’s not saying that men are the luckiest and get what they want; they have to struggle sometimes and they’re not always as praised every single moment of the day. Feminism is all about encouraging and respecting each other to be who we are, in a world that there are no labels, but just everlasting happiness and equality. It’s about empowering each other and not judging others for what they want in life. If you think about it, at the end of the day we are all human. We all share the same struggles, feel the same emotions and have experiences which build us to be educated in who we are.

To all the strong and inspiring women out there, remember that you are impacting enough to make a difference to this world. Our voices deserve to be heard, and they will.